Getting Help

Hamilton Supports & Services

There are several programs within Hamilton and surrounding area that supports individuals who are either exiting trafficking or those considering leaving their situation. Go to the “Hamilton Services” pages for a list of programs and the contact information for each program/organization.

The Hamilton Police Service has a Vice & Drugs Human Trafficking Unit specifically mandated to assist victims and to investigate incidents of human trafficking. The Human Trafficking Unit can be contacted at 905-546-3883.

The Hamilton Anti-Human Trafficking Coalition also has an excellent “Guide for Supporting Trafficked Persons”. This will provide you will information about what human trafficking is and local services that can help you support victims and survivors.


National Resources

Canadian Human Trafficking Hotline

For immediate assistance, call the Canadian Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-833-900-1010. You can reach the confidential Hotline 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in more than 200 languages. All calls are confidential and answered by highly trained Hotline Response Advocates.

Canadian Human Trafficking Hotline: Referral Directory

The Canadian Human Trafficking Hotline’s National Referral Directory is a resource to connect victims and survivors to emergency, transitional, and long-term services in communities across Canada.


Ontario Resources

Provincial Anti-Human Trafficking Coordination Office

Learn more about Ontario’s anti-human trafficking strategy 2020-2025 here. The Ontario government also provides information and resources on what human trafficking looks like and services available.

Legal Supports in Ontario

Since May 1, 2018, Ontario has been providing free legal support to survivors of human trafficking and those at-risk of being trafficked to get restraining orders against their traffickers.